Meet Yngvild

Yngvild Vivja Haaland Ruud is a harpsichordist and ensemble leader. 

Specialized in early music and historical performance practice as well as contemporary music, she has a fresh approach for sharing classical music with new audiences. Her passion for new repetoire has led to collaborations with exciting composers of today, and she is frequently performing both with solo and chamber music repertoire.

Click on “MORE” for full bio, downloads, CV and more.



Keep track of my upcoming concerts!

Christmas concerts with Concerto Copenhagen. More info: Music by Bach, Tunder, Molter, Buxtehude + Organ/harpsichord

Christmas concerts with CoCo (DK)

The Baroque Society & British dance wizard Steven Player invites you to an evening filled with French and English baroque dances – a combined concert and dance event. Heartfelt welcome!…

Baroque Ball @Dansekapellet (DK)

The Baroque Society & British dance wizard Steven Player invites you to an evening filled with French and English baroque dances – a combined concert and dance event. Heartfelt welcome!…

Baroque Ball @Absalon (DK)

The Baroque Society’s Christmas concert in Hans Tausens Kirke (Cph). Our favorite blend of baroque treasures from southern Europe – Tomaso Albinoni’s Sinfonie a cinque, Muffat Armonico Tributo & concerto…

NATALE ✦ The Baroque Society Christmas Special (DK)

Sans Frayeur (without fear) – a celebration of prominent female characters from the baroque era. In Ambassade de France au Danemark (DK). Music by: Helene-Louise Demars, Élisabeth Jacquet de la…

SANS FRAYEUR // The Baroque Society (DK)


Visit my Soundcloud page, or play my music directly from here!

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Yngvild Vivja Haaland Ruud
Tlf. +45 42 40 31 26